Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blog Post 1

Open-ended Art: In my opinion, this is one of the most interesting and difficult styles of art. This is because you never quite know what the outcome is going to be. I enjoy making art that is beautiful, yet abstract. However, I also find open-ended art to be very challenging; for no matter how hard I try, I always tend to end up with a planned idea in my head.

Fulfillment of Planned Idea: This is perhaps my favorite way to draw, paint, or sculpt. I enjoy making things as accurate and detailed as I possibly can. The only times that Fulfillment of Planned Idea ever tends to frustrate me is when I have a very specific idea in my head, and can't quite get it down on paper the way I want to.

Appreciation/Use of Process: I always have a lot of fun trying to create an image based on sound, smell, or emotion. However, these creations never seem to end up as beautiful as I had originally hoped. Oftentimes they are simply a mess of color and texture. But when I manage to correctly channel my feelings through my art, it always tends to give a deeper and more personal meaning. Succeeding in this field of artwork is a very rewarding experience.

Appreciation of the Finished Project: It is important that the finished project should be of good quality. After all, regardless of how much time, effort, and deep personal meaning is injected into the artwork, in the end, it should be a respectable piece of artwork.

Demonstration of Skill: I enjoy demonstrating my skill through my artwork by focusing on areas of art that I know will enable my success. For example, I am much more confident in my sketches than in, say, watercolor paintings. So when given the choice, I always tend to work with ebony pencil instead of paints. This way I can ensure that my art is the best it can possibly be.

Demonstration of Growth: One of my favorite things to do at the end of the year is reflect upon what I have learned. Although, as I mentioned before, I prefer to stay within my comfort zone, by occasionally straying outside of it I unearth talent or potential that I would never have noticed before. And I believe that this, as well as working hard to improve upon what I am already confident in doing, is what makes an excellent demonstration of growth of one year.

Concept Development: As an artist, I enjoy nothing more than adding an underlying message to whatever I draw. I enjoy the interest and captivation of people who see my sketches once and pass them by-- only to look again and understand a deeper meaning that they had originally assumed. Art is a form of self-expression, and there is no better way to express oneself than by adding a subtle undertone to what first appears as an ordinary sculpture, painting, or sketch.

I look forward to an exceptional year full of art and fun!!!!!

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